Monday, June 8, 2009

Arriving at the Mission

We're Here!

Everyone arrived safe and sound yesterday!! We got apartments assigned and most supplies unpacked. Kylie, Leslie, Bruce, Kelsi, Megan and Jake all made a super spaghetti supper :)


This morning many members drove one hour to Canyon DeChelly. Robyn, John, Jessica, Amy, Jake and Megan stayed back and got prepared for bible school and enrichment classes for Tuesday!! Jake and Megan have been playing with fishing poles and whacking each other. John has been talking about fetal pigs (don't ask). We all helped out at the thrift store by putting in a window AC.

After lunch, we went to the Mustang Gas Station across the road. There we did laundry. While waiting, we met "friendly" Eugene! After shaking all our hands, and introducing himself to each and every one of us, Eugene decided that Jake was his best buddy. At this time, we discovered he was a little tipsy... Luckily, he was happy :) Afterwards, Eugene concluded that John and Robyn were married and Jake, Megan, and Amy were siblings. John bought him a burrito. It had beans!
This is just another story to add to our list :)

1 comment:

  1. Hey, glad all is well at Nelm. We surely wish we could be a part of your efforts. It truly is an amazing experience for all involved.

    We just laughed and laughed while reading through your list, Jake...just wait, we'll get ya...when you least expect it...oh yeah...just wait...

    Looking forward to a new post -

